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Saturday, August 30, 2008

The River Below

Being grown up isn't half as fun as growing up:
These are the best days of our lives.
The only thing that matters
Is just following your heart
And eventually you'll finally get it right..

I've never had fun like these since quite a long time. Two days straight in a row. Though I'm tired with body cramps all over, I'm not complaining. Heh. At least these two days are the best two days that have ever happened to me, in two days.

Day 1 (Thursday):
DMAT 01 class picnic at East Coast Park was awesome. The wind, the sea, the sound of the sea.. Everything was close to perfect. (which was a good thing, 'cuz apparently nuthin' in this world is perfect) Maybe it brought me temporary peace. Just sit there on the rocks, watching and listening to the waves crashing to the shore. Hmmm.. Oh, and I've never gained so much speed on my skateboard since...ever. It was heaven. I could go wherever I want, whenever I want, all by myself. Just be an escapist for a day. That cleared my mind off unpleasant thoughts. Away from reality for awhile. I'm a runaway boy, remember?

And don't forget. Everyone was great! The games, the food, etc.. It feels like a family bonding session.. Haha.. Oh well.. It'll all be kept safely in my memory.

Day 2 (Friday):
It's a day all local music enthusiasts have been waiting for.. BAYBEATS 2008! All the bands who performed today were really very good. The line up was awesome too.. Force Vomit, Leeson, Peepshow, Typecast and... Another Epic Story. Hahaha.. Those three jackasses.. Reez just went crazy on stage; forgetting his lyrics, literally flying all over the place, making unnecessary visual jokes.. While One was just keeping his cool on his side of the stage with his screams. And Qai.. Well someone finds him rather hot.. Haha.. Sorry but he's attached. Heh. Overall, everyone did their awesomest.

Oh, and Force Vomit played Siti Don't Give Up. An old classic. Haha.. Love it.

Note To Self:
these two days were a blast
but i love today more.

and that paper container with all our wishes written in it,
i just hope the river carried it away
to some place where wishes are granted..
maybe a fairy or an angel would pick it up.
heh. just wishful thinking..

but then, i know i wasted my wish
'cuz i know it won't happen.
the chances are one in a biligazillion.
that was why i included my favourite pick and a ten cent coin too.
maybe that could increase my chances of getting my wish granted,
to a one in a million, perhaps?

may all our wishes come true..

- 1:24 AM

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Ire In Fire

That I could do this on my own.
Now our perceptions have grown.
Branches and petals of paper and metal.
Amber tinfoil forest confines us..
And we disconnect like this is the end
We disconnect like this is the end...

The trip to the 2 recording suites just now was awesome, I guess. Meeting real engineers who actually dedicate their lives doing this line.. Envious. How I envy them having such great talents for their passion.. Individuals with their own identity, that's what they are. I'm having doubts now. Questions starting to pop everywhere. Do I really want to do this? Am I really up for it? Will this dream last..?

I'm really done messing around. From now on, I should be thinking right. We live once, remember? I don't want to blow it. I know things won't turn out perfect, we're human afterall. I'm just going to try my best, and my end result wouldn't have to be perfect at all. I just want to achieve sumthin' that I'll be proud of. Perfectionism isn't really going to bring anyone close to happiness. (maybe for you, not me.) I'm just going to open up my mind to flaws, accept them as they are, then work things out from them and finally make things happen. What's the use of living perfect, under a monotonous system? Doing the right things, just because everyone else is doing it.. Sometimes we don't need to follow rules. Men make rules because they don't dare to take up the challenges of their consequences. Sometimes you've just got to clench that fist, build that confidence and break the walls of cowardice down. Sometimes you got to do what you got to do. And from now on, I will. Savvy?

Note To Self:
it doesn't matter anymore
i can do this on my own.

should i still hold onto that hope?
that one hope that you'll change your mind..

- 11:57 PM

Monday, August 25, 2008

The Fiction

They say they can change today
If tomorrow was yesterday
But their faces betray the black words
Just a breath away
Caught up in their pollution
And clinging to addictions
It’s clear no truth
They believe in fiction
Hanging on fine thin threads
Invisible to the eye
All tangled up,
Definitions of their lives..

I thought of doing sumthin' productive today. So, I meddled with html codes and hence, this new blogskin. Itchy fingers. Heh. Took me hours to figure out the right colour combo that suits the baroque-ish background. Oh well, at least sumthin's done today.

So.. What else was done today? Well, I spent the afternoon window shopping with my mum. Hmmm.. It's kinda cool actually to go out with your mum around. I mean, besides paying for most of the stuff most of the time, she also injects some shopping sense into me. Heh. (oh, and i didn't live off her purse. i didn't use a single penny from her to get myself anything at the mall.. except for that awesome finger-licking biscuit at Watsons..) Anyways... I think I should try spending more time hanging out with mum.. Yeah.. Maybe she could be that someone whom I could depend on to with my secrets... Hmmm.. Maybe not. But she's still cool, though.

I think playing computer games is a waste of time.. (heh.. no offense, gamers) So I gave up playing Silent Hill 2 last night. No, not because I couldn't kill that boss. It's because it kinda surprised me how fast time flies, and that I could be somewhere doing sumthin' else different.. Start a new hobby, read some articles, jog around the neighbourhood estate, exploring the different spots in Singapore that I haven't been to... There's just a lot of things to do. (now i realize..) And I can't be spending my whole 25hours playing some game in search of some random character in a town full of mutated monsters and demons. (it's actually cool, though..) I needed a plan, and I've got it. Until next Monday, I'm going to do all these. Well at least 1/4 of the list of things to do. Yep..

Note To Self:
the hardest part isn't finding what we need to be,
it's being content with who we are.
stay who you are, zakaria..

- 7:58 PM

Sunday, August 24, 2008

The Catharsis

To whom the tragedy shall speak
Let now their whispers be weak
Let it fill them all
The heart that's bound them
Let eyes leak
So profusely
Shadows become unbound to them
And let them love and feel joy
As the sorrow they reap
Let it well up in them for eternity
And be to others a spring
To drink from..

I hope this thing works again.. Been having that re-directing issue to some game website.. I don't know if you guys experienced it though. Well, on a brighter note, it's a good thing it doesn't relink you to some corny website. Heh.. Oh well..

Hmmm.. I think I might end up cracking my head afterall.. Come to think of it, he's right. I should start acting my age. It's not that I'm still childish, no. I think what he meant was that I should be thinking like how typical adults do? Okay, now that's the problem. He always makes me think. I know I can't be perfect, well at least not as perfect as him, but I do use my brains. I'm never complaining whenever I'm being nagged at. And that definitely doesn't show that I'm weak. No. That's because I don't want to fight back. Why? Because they've always brought me up to respect. Shit, I don't want to bring this matter up. I've never complained, and I never will.. Okay maybe I will one day when I'm really pushed to the ledge. But till then, my principle still stands: I won't raise my voice on him.

Note To You:
you've raised me well, pups..
i just need you to know that i can't be like you
i can try, though i almost got sick trying
but i can't guarantee it'll be flawless
and i just hate that you hate flaws
and i hate myself whenever i'm nowhere near expectations..

give me a chance to prove myself worthy, will you?

- 10:03 PM

Friday, August 22, 2008

The Story Of A Flame

Secrets and irises open the door
To a pride of lions and murder of crows
No one knows how it begins
But I sure know how it'll end...

When they say old flames die hard, they really know what they're saying.. Okay, maybe the flame on that Olympic torch isn't that old, although it too die hard. And I would be lying if I were to say that I forgot my first love. Heh. That was way back then in late secondary 2.. Haha.. Monkey love. It was sweet as ever, though it was bitter-er than anything I've ever tasted. And I'm not blaming anyone for it's 'brevity'. We were all young and stupid. Okay, maybe not we, just I.

Yep, I don't think anyone really knows what love really stands for. It's definitely not for:


Well, that's what everyone seemed to be doing.. It's more to it than just those 4 letters.. At that time, why can't it be:


Oh well.. I guess we're too young to understand.. Maybe the term monkey see monkey do applies in this situation back then. Hmmm..

Maybe the flame of a friendship lasts longer than anything else.. It dies harder.

Note To Self:
i'm the same old me
you're the same old you
it's awesome that we're back

and i love the rain..

- 10:30 PM

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The Army Of One

One word: heisonefreakinawesomedrummerdudethatwillblowyourmindoffyourbrain. Enough said.

- 8:46 PM

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The Fog

The sun is setting, a distant hill
Pour the bottles at the horizon
The water tower bleeds from the heat
Paint the sun, guess my reaction
No retreat, not even in sleep
Days with a new direction

Take that step to the night
Beyond all that has created you
Dead, empty stares
Strike back with the hate of a young man's heart
Sing where you don't dare
I'll meet you there
We're the sunset in the end..

So the holidays are here.. Strangely now, I hardly feel a thing. Okay, now what? Stuck at home with hardly anything to do besides watching online tv shows, getting my ass kicked in video games, finding faults with my sis.. Hmmm.. And I just got some tragic news from my dad: there won't be monthly allowance for two months. Oh wow.. Great.

Note To Self:
like dude, we really need a plan..

oh, and every time my phone beeps,
i get all nervous
but it turns out to be not from you..

maybe i should lay low for a while..

- 11:50 PM

Sunday, August 17, 2008

The Heretic

It's starting to bleed
And couldn't be stopped, that's justice
Incredible luck, to lift and be struck
What curious things..

Let us embrace the thought of going progressive. Heh. Yeah.. Once again, progressive math rock managed to bedazzle the mind of young-and-hopeless-but-not-stupid Zakaria. Okay, so The Sound Of Animal Fighting is awesome.

RX Bandits + Anthony Green + more members of other great bands = shibby.

Walking With Your Ghost is currently in the making. I hope it'll turn out as visioned. Heh. So I'm left with the lyrics, drums and everything else, perhaps? Well at least I've got the intro done. It's going to be progressive post-hardcore. Sweetos.

One more song is also in the making. And no, it won't be close to progressive at all.
Just sumthin' laid back and acoustic. Hmmm.. Simple is the word. It's still untitled though. Verse 1 down. So maybe I'll be writing verse 2 tonight? Maybe..

Writing new material is tough now, I guess.. Especially with the presence of MX vs ATV: Unleashed in my laptop. Heh. (it's a dirt bike racing game by the way) So yeah.. Since I couldn't have a dirt bike, I might as well own a virtual one. It's a fair compensation. Yeaaah. Oh, and I might also end up writing songs about motocross racing..... Not. Okay, it's stupid. I won't even think about it.

Note To Self:
zakk, we need a plan.

- 8:03 PM

Thursday, August 14, 2008

The Escape

A library full of fictitious books
A notebook full of dreams, I am.
My head is a haven for the ideals
That drool off your lips.
An escape.
Escape, I am.

Tomorrow's officially the last of school. Well technically.. Heh. I'd probably come back whenever I'm bored to work on stuff on Logic. A new project, maybe? Oh, and speaking of which, One still haven't give me a nudge regarding AES's recording. Hmmm.. I wonder how they're handling it, since the pc their studio used to store the session files crashed.. I just hope they managed to save and recover those sessions and that their EP could be released before their Baybeats set. I just hate system breakdowns.

School's out, and I guess I've got to get back to work. No, it won't be Delifrance again. I think I'm officially going to resign. Yeah, sign some paper, and get my $60 deposit.. I've got 2 jobs in mind, though. I think they're better left unsaid for now..

Oh yeah.. I totally forgot to mention yesterday's theory paper. Well.. It was 'in-control'. Heh. Except for the history MCQ part and that Happy Birthday song, everything's A-Okay. I'm expecting a C+. Too low, huh? Hmmm.. At least it's higher than C, which I keep getting for that module. And the higher my hopes go, the more lethal the fall. I don't want that to entirely destroy my 'growing passion' for music theory. Heh. Right.. Growing passion.. My foot. Hey, at least I've tried my best.. So yeah.. We'll all wait patiently for the results soon..

Now let's talk about today. Amin called during performance class, asking to hang out.. I kinda sensed sumthin's wrong. So I met him up at Civics Library.. We talked while we walked.. It's been a long time, dude.. Heh. We headed to Marina Square. Planned to go catch a movie. Someone hasn't watched Batman yet.. (nyiahaha..) Anyways, they're not showing The Dark Knight anymore.. (nyiahaha... oops. eherm.. sorry dude..) So we headed to Esplanade instead.. We toured around the library. And I found awesome mallet percussion technical studies and repertoires. Heh. Hmmm.. I might just change my profession instrument for performance class now.. Heh.. Anyways, I really had fun today. Just like the good old secondary school days.. Shibby.

Note To Amin:
dude, i understand how you feel.. it always blows to be the underdog.. but never lose hope, man.. never give up trying. every problem has solutions to it. at the same time, don't blow your head off.. if i could do it, so can you.. so chill yeah..

and as for her, at least you still have a chance to go tell her.. it's never too late, yet. and you'll never know until you try.. well as for me i've tried, and i don't think i've any hope left to hold onto.. but you still do. go for it, dude. a friendly advice, just don't hold onto any high hopes that would kill you. it killed me.. i've had enough. i guess i'll be giving up on love now. and it'll take quite a miracle for me to feel the same again. we live once. die once. you've only got one shot, do not miss your chance to blow. this opportunity comes once in a lifetime, yo.

- 9:46 PM

Monday, August 11, 2008

The Wake Up Call

What home is left for us to find?
When we have left the past behind,
When we are left so little time…

Music theory test this Wednesday is so gonna be driving me into paranoid android mode. I've got to make it this time. And I don't wanna get all depresso again. Maybe I've had enough. It's always the case in which music theory test means its all downhill from here. I've got to prove to myself. Tonight, cover 4-part writing, 7th chords, cadences and a little bit music history.. Hopefully things get absorbed.

Note To Self:
i shouldn't indulge myself in this
work's got to come first for now
okay maybe after wednesday i'll continue indulging myself again with these thoughts
but now things have got to wait...

i miss you.

- 11:22 PM

Saturday, August 9, 2008

The Rewind Button

Note To You:
hey.. i'm sorry
maybe i didn't think the last time
maybe i was too driven by emotions
but now i understand..
you just woke me up
and you taught me a lot
about life
about family
about being responsible
about being appreciative...

don't worry
everything's going to be alright..
like i told you umpteen times:
everything happens for a reason

so don't worry, i'll catch you
when you fall

"i don't think i ever told you
but i know you always did your best.
and the hard times,
they only made us stronger.."

"do you ever feel like crying?
do you ever feel like giving up?
i raise my hands up towards the sky,
i say this prayer for you tonight,
because nothing is impossible.."

"if you just hold on for one more second
just hold on to what you have
if you just hold on, just hold on
you will wake up tomorrow.."

those lyrics are so true
and they speak for me

maybe i can't hold you
maybe i can't change the way you feel about me
but i know i can try make you feel better
and i'll always be there to give you a hand..

my ears are always open if you need a target to scream at..
and i won't ask for anything back, i promise.. ;)

- 9:49 PM

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The Optimistic Pessimist

Note To Self:
i think i've made up my mind
i'll stop playing this game again
falling in love, falling apart
it always goes that way
i've had enough
and it's making me sick
like literally
i went for my medical check up yesterday
just to check the frequent migraines and chest discomforts
its nuthin serious
well that's what i heard
i was actually expecting sumthin much worst
oh well..
my time's not up yet, i guess

and as for you,
i just hope you meant every word you said just now
and i hope the things i said to you will make you think
and don't worry, i won't bring up this matter ever again
that sms i sent to you moments ago would be the last time i'll touch about this matter
at least now i know where i stand
and i won't be dreaming of chasing a shadow
speaking of which,
i knew those dreams of you meant sumthin
they're just a reminder

you're lucky i'm not like them
i'm a man of second chances
i won't hold anything back, that i promise
i won't change a bit
and like i told you, i'll still be the Zakaria you knew

and it's okay

but just in case anything happens,
when i'm gone,
i just hope you'll remember me...

friends? friends.. ;)

- 11:41 PM

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The Heartbreak

Note To Self:
i know it will happen some day, but i've never thought it'll be this soon..
things just happen so damn fast,
so fast i didn't get a chance to react..

hmmm.. i've been digging my own grave from the start
yes i know, and i shouldn't have pushed my luck this far
i've been digging it in too deep now,
and as predicted, the deeper the hole, the deeper and harder the fall..

and i'm always the stupid one making the stupid moves..
i should've known it wasn't a good idea to give her that gift
i shouldn't have done all those stupid things just to make her that gift
well, i thought maybe a little huge sacrifice would make her happy
and she doesn't even have to know what i went through for it
i'm not asking for anything back in return too
well at least a smile from the heart, maybe?
if i'd known better, i would've just stick to that candy
and maybe things wouldn't end up this way..

i never knew speaking my mind would make a big difference
yes things changed, for the worst of the worst..
and why do people change so easily?
hmmm i wonder..
the change is so drastic that i don't feel like i know that person any more

(now who's avoiding who now? i'm not them, remember?)

i shouldn't have followed my heart to tell her the truth
heh.. just as i thought i've built enough confidence to finally tell a girl how i felt..
imagine free falling without a parachute from the KLCC tower..

anyways thanks friends for all the motivation
to that someone in my tagboard
it really boosted my confidence to tell her
heh.. after a very long time, zakaria...
since end of sec 2, maybe?
but then all that confidence just disappear.
like you press the reset button in a game,
only to find out you haven't saved yet..

now back to square one..
you're not the same..
i should've known..
some things are better left unsaid..

how i wish i was a mute
it'll be easier, won't it?

well done, zakaria..
kudos for your stupidity.

okay now someone throw me a rope..

[ps: i just hope she found that hidden note behind the CD.. or maybe found out about this blog so she could read everything i wrote since day one.. but then again, some things are just better not to be known.. she won't understand anyway.. and i'm not asking her to be my girlfriend.. just someone whom i could turn to through my ups and downs... if only she understands...]

- 9:19 PM

Saturday, August 2, 2008

The Twist In His Story

Well sometimes things just don't go the way they're planned, and the planner always hates himself when such things happens.. Hmmm.. I guess we're only human.. Who are we to determine everything.. ? God knows best.. And I've always believe that everything happens for a reason.. Oh well..

Sorry.. I don't think I'll blog about it.. You see, when people tell stuff, they feel light. The feeling is like their so called 'burden' is finally off their shoulders, and soon they'll totally forget all about it.. And I damn well won't want to forget about it. It has got to leave a mark in my life. It's the first time I did something out of one's ordinary mind. Oh and even if I write about it, I doubt anyone would believe it happened. So yeah.. Everything happens for a reason..

ps: Happy 18th birthday, Emma.. :]

Note To Self:
one humid night
one blurry sight
one gift of sweat and tears
one million feelings of hopes and fears
one boy
one mission
one strong intuition
2 whole hours
9 bystanders
13 over missed calls
one heart shatters

but it won't pull me down again
my gameboy theory:
hero dies - game over - reset - load saved game - restart level

- 8:16 PM


el introverto

Officially 19
Demure by nature
Straight, single and not-looking
Music & Audio Tech student at SP
Drums & percussions
Sinister Infants
Melodic punk rock

i am just the way i am. judge me for all you want. it doesn't matter. it didn't matter. it will not matter. be nice. and maybe with a wee bit of a miracle, i might just be whoever you want me to be.



Get above 3.0 for 2nd year's GPA
Get that scholarship
Write a poetry compilation book
Finish writing the 3 songs
Record those 3 songs
That white electric guitar
New Zildjian drumsticks
Sinister Infants reunion
Perform on that homecoming event
Break this inner barrier
Tell her
Read her mind
Write her a goodbye-i'll-go-unless-you-stop-me song






Jun Rong
Kak Nisa (cuzzin)


February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
August 2009


Designer GWEND
Brushes MISS M